13 May 2021

Amazon Branding Survey : What are the Direct Branding Limitations for Amazon sellers?

We’re discussing Amazon a lot because as both an eCommerce Retailer and an eCommerce Marketplace, Amazon has captured, satisfied and converted so many consumers during the pandemic. Other retailers are now faced with the dilemma of considering whether to join as a seller and compete within the ecosystem of Amazon’s marketplace or to look at […]

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06 May 2021
ecommerce retailers and the ecommerce marketplace

Should I Join the eCommerce Marketplace as a Seller?

If you’re a brick-and-mortar retailer now faced with the eCommerce switch, which, according to data published by IBM, has accelerated by five years since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak was announced, you’ve possibly been faced with the dilemma of whether you should be starting your own eCommerce website or if joining as an eCommerce marketplace seller on […]

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30 Apr 2021
Amazon Brand Awareness Panic Buying Consumer Behaviours

What can we learn from Amazon about the power of brand awareness and brand loyalty during the pandemic?

During such turbulent and unpredictable times brought by COVID-19, business owners unwittingly found themselves in crisis adaptation mode. The pandemic placed businesses under a test of dedication towards ethical business practice and corporate social responsibility. According to Edelman Trust Barometer (2020), 52% of consumers agreed that brands must prioritise the well-being and financial security of […]

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11 Mar 2021

A Note From Us

Hello from the Both Feet Media team! Thank you for visiting and welcome to our new website. We’re very excited to launch our new business and wanted to share our first blog to tell you more about Both Feet Media and why we’re here.

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08 Mar 2021

Why Digital Marketing?

Today’s digital transformation forces companies to change their approach to adapt to the new “always-connected” market demand. The consumer’s behaviour has dramatically changed over recent years and exponentially since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.

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